Cairo Children’s Hub
We are assisting our partner PHRC to set up a creative arts and trauma relief center for forcibly displaced children in Cairo.
Responding to the crisis in Palestine, together with our partner and friend organisation Palestine Humanitarian Response Center, we are currently working on opening an alternative learning center in Cairo, Egypt.
The center will host children who have been forcibly displaced from Gaza and now find themselves in Cairo, where access to educational and recreational facilities is severely restricted.
The communtiy center will be a space where the young people can pursue their school education in a non-formal way through online and offline classrooms, as well as engage in arts, crafts, creative writing and other activities that allow them to reclaim their basic rights, establish a routine and regain a sense of normality.
This project is implemented in partnership with the Palestine Humanitarian Response Center, an organisation that focuses on trauma work and has been running recreational and educational activities for forcibly displaced children in the Gaza Strip.

Support our work in Egypt
Help us set up the learning center in Cairo